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About Us

We educate the students of Charlton, Massachusetts who are in Grades 2 through 4, advancing their knowledge and well being.

Core Values
  • We believe that quality instruction is an essential element to student success.
  • We strive to develop a sense of community that values the abilities and limitations of all students and provide opportunities for students to develop a strong sense of self-worth and concern and respect for others.
  • We are committed to participatory decision-making as integral to the effective functioning of our school.
  • We are committed to the pursuit of excellence via cooperative effort toward the improvement of teaching and learning.
  • We are committed to ensuring a safe and caring learning environment.
Community Support
  • We are committed to the active involvement of parents in each child's educational experience. Parents are invited to participate by volunteering to help in the classrooms, going on field trips, working in the school library, and being active in the P.T.O
  • Students enjoy a variety of cultural and educational enrichment programs through the sponsorship of our very active and supportive Parent Teacher Organization.
  • An array of community based activities are available, such as: Charlton Youth Basketball, Charlton Youth Soccer, Little League Baseball, Lassie League Softball, and Pop Warner Football. Students also have access to the Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts, Brownie/Girl Scouts and 4-H Programs.